Hi, I'm Rachel.

Catholic Convert, Crafter, Coffee Drinker, and Avid Reader
  • Christmas Reflections

    It may seem strange to have a Christmas reflections post come after Christmas, but in the Catholic Church, the Christmas liturgical season goes from Christmas Day until the Baptism of the Lord (Jan 9th this year). And historically, Christmastide didn’t end until February 2nd at The Presentation of the Lord,... [Read More]
  • Be Not Afraid

    I want to share something I wrote in my journal after a Lectio Divina session a few months ago. Lectio Divina is a way of prayerfully reading a short passage of scripture, reflecting on it, and allowing God to speak to you through it. I’m sharing this not because I... [Read More]
  • Why I'm Starting this Blog

    I have been wanting to blog for over a decade now. I’ve had a few incredibly short-lived blogging attempts before, but never stuck with it. Mainly because I’m a perfectionist-procrastinator who could never seem to come up with the perfect blogging niche that I felt compelled or interested in writing... [Read More]